a psycho-philosophical speculation on things that "flash upon the inward eye" during lazy afternoons
rudhran's Articles
September 4, 2008 by rudhran
well, i have been a lazy joe here. but i am active at rudhran.wordpress.com
September 26, 2006 by rudhran
The smile is the only affirmation of one’s comfortable co-existence in this world, and when that twists, and the eyes glisten to see the world dull and gloomy, when the vision of the mind too turns out of focus, and when time seems to extend itself, the description, the definition and the diagnosis is depression. In everyone’s life there will be many moments that may be described as blue. This is not the radiant vibrant happily freckled bright sky blue, but a murky dull and suffocati...
September 26, 2006 by rudhran
Prometheus : valor or vanity? Is valor masked vanity? Valor has always been valued while vanity has been synonymous with useless emptiness. Valor has always been glorified. Is valor valid enough in mind’s context of survival and growth? Would you rather not win with least pain? What indeed is valor? Mettle, resolution, spirit, tenacity, indomitableness, invincibility, fortitude and guts are some of the words that are associated with valor. Natyasastra lists valor as one of the primary su...